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E-Waste occurs the discarded or waste electronic devices. It is important to protecting human and environmental health along with the devices out of landfills. It will provided manufacturers, which helps to make several new products’ E-Waste includes some working and broken items which are thrown in the garbage. There are many items for E-Waste, which are as follows:- 

1) Home Appliances

 • Microwaves

 • Home Entertainment Devices

• Electric cookers

• Heaters

• Fans

2) Communications and Information 

• Technology Devices

• Cell phones

• Smartphones

• Desktop Computers

• Computer Monitors

• Laptops

• Circuit boards

• Hard Drives

3) Home Entertainment Devices

• DVDs

• Blue Ray Players

• Stereos

• Televisions

• Video Game Systems

• Fax machines

• Copiers

• Printers

• Electronic Utilities

• Massage Chairs

• Heating Pads

• Remote Controls

• Television Remotes

• Electrical Cords

• Lamps

• Smart Lights

• Night Lights

• Treadmills

• Fit Bits

• Smart Watches

• Heart Monitors

• Diabetic Testing Equipment

• Office and Medical Equipment

• Copiers/Printers

• IT Server Racks

• IT Servers

• Cords and Cables

• Wife Dongles

• Dialysis Machines

• Imaging Equipment

• Phone & PBX systems

• Audio & Video Equipment

• Network Hardware (i.e. servers, switches, hubs, etc.)

• Power Strips & Power Supplies

• Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPS Systems)

• Power Distribution Systems (PDU’s)

• Autoclave

• Defibrillator

E-Waste is very important thing in our environment. Now, we are discussing the advantages of E-Waste with some points, which are as follows:-

1) Frees Landfill: – E-Waste concerns to valuable materials extracted as well as helps to make other materials in long time period.

2) Reuse Of Materials: – This process enables to reuse the raw materials instead of manufacturing the new materials.

3) Creation of Jobs: – E-Waste creates a bunch of recycling related jobs in our country. It is beneficial to boost our economy as well as reusing the raw material.

4) Reduced Pollution: – E-Waste helps to reduce the level of pollution in through of recycling the useful raw materials.

5) Safer Water :- E-Waste enables to generate the water sources for the reason that it has a huge contribution in soil contamination. It will seep the groundwater as well as this process helps to reduce the toxic and harmful chemicals from the water.

6) Safer Ecosystem:- E-waste has provided some unharmful things that helps to stay healthy and protected the future generation as well.

7) Protect Human Life: – This process helps to protect a large number of human life in through of the E-Waste products.

Apart from those advantages, E-Waste has some disadvantages, which are as follows:-

  1. Costly Process: – E-Waste is a very costly process, which is unaffordable process for everyone.
  1. Exposure to harmful substances:- As we said that, this process helps to protects as many as human life. But in other side, it will create some harmful substances in through of the product.
  1. Effects in Children’s health:- E-Waste is a harmful thing for the children because it will provides some toxic chemicals which is not healthy for the children as well as create various disease in their body.

In a nutshell E-Waste is a great process which turns the unusable product into usable as well as beneficial to increase the growth rate of our economy. It has lots of disadvantages, but it still is a useful process in future.

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